Once upon a time, a young actor named Victor Way debated the nature of reality with a Buddhist scholar for fourteen hours straight, earning him three life-changing seconds of spiritual awakening. Enlightenment has remained his North Star ever since, and Tantric Buddhism his primary vehicle – supplemented by an ever-expanding number of perspectives and practices.
Victor’s path has flowed down the chakras. After years of chasing the transcendence of Father God in the sky, he was lovingly smacked down to Earth by the Mother Goddess, and he is now deeply committed to his life mission of bringing humans to the divine and the divine into the human, into the body, into connection.
Victor is first and foremost a teacher, be it of yoga, meditation or even primary school. He is also a coach, Mahamudra and Dzogchen initiate, Reiki master, Cambridge graduate, TED Talker, poet and national level practitioner of judo and taekwondo. He also used to be an actor/stuntman in London and spent a year training with indigenous shamans in Ecuador.
His specialties include classical awakening/ego-dissolution and Kundalini awakening, and he has been guiding others through both of these for some years now. His qualifications as a guide on the spiritual path are based in part on years of study with renowned masters and in part on intimately knowing all the potholes next to the road – after having thoroughly examined them with his face 😊