I love holding groups, and going to groups. Over these years I have seen/felt so many different facilitators and therapists work. This has taught me first hand how important it is that the group leader has worked with their own issues.
I have worked with the trauma held in my body, both personal and transgenerational, for over 25 years. One of the most important things I have learned is how important it is to take the time to make sure everyone is always within the boundaries of what they can process, weaving in nervous system regulation and grounding my clients. It is something I excel at. With me you are safe.
I am a Registered Nurse, a Systemic Family Constellations Facilitator, a Waldorf Pre-School teacher, a Circle of Security Facilitator, an Advanced Nervous System Regulation Practitioner, a gardener, a conscious dancer, a daughter, a mother, and a lover of 3 cats that really needed new homes.
I play crystal bowls, work with raw cacao, love to blow enormous bubbles, adore costumes, have an award winning garden, believe you can never have too much glitter and own unused Russian Fire Fans. Just a few days ago I realized that I have become a Medicine Woman.
There is a very long story behind that, some other time.